Assembling the new Mirage Drive drums and cables
Caution: The new cables and drums are slotted for easier maintenance and
tune ups. They are not interchangeable with the older parts.
Warning: If cables are installed incorrectly, they may twist off the drums,
causing the Drive to fail.
Tip: DO NOT REUSE Nyloc nuts when installing new cables. The slotted cable
threads have 40% less area -- worn Nylocs may back out causing Drive failure or
adjustment problems.
Tools and materials required:
7/16 inch wrench
needle nose pliers
Marine grade axle grease
1. Remove old drums, cables and chains
2. Wipe drum axle clean
3. Pre-install crank arms to the drums, noting left and right crank arms
1. Install new chains / cables on
sprockets, taking care to press chain
solidly into master cog (Plastic sprockets
only). This may be accomplished with the
masts and fins on or off. Verify that chain
is properly centered. (Tip: mark center
Vise method:
3 B. Secure Drive to vise by rear
portion as shown. Use a rag in
vise to prevent marks (rag
removed for illustration purposes,
4 B. Mount both drum / crank arm
assemblies to drum shaft, noting
correct left and right side.
5 B. Mount the rear sprocket cable. Note, the cable is first inserted from the
side, with the help of needle nose pliers if necessary, then re-routed over the top
lip of the drum. Hand thread Nyloc nuts enough to keep the cable from slipping
out (below).
B. Repeat procedure with the front sprocket cable.
7 B. Insert idler cable into lower rear
drum hole as shown. Note, the idler
slot is divided -- use the outboard
portion only (right).
8. (both methods) Tighten and tune all cables. Make sure they are running
properly on the drums (below). Align and center fins as necessary.
1. Cable wanders off drum. Cable is twisted. Remount, removing twist or
warping cable toward inboard side of drum.
2. Cable appears to be uneven. Recheck center link of chain is mounted on
center cog. Make sure chain is fully pressed in, particularly the center cog.
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